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    Rabble Rousing Random Ramblings by S Jagadish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

    October 18, 2005

    Pakistan wants Indian helicopters, but not the pilots

    In yet another instance of playing politics with quake victims, the Pakistan government conveyed to the Indian government yesterday that it needed helicopters to carry out relief work, primarily along the Line of Control. However, the request came with a queer rider. Pakistan would not accept Indian pilots and crew.

    The government had three options:

  • Send unmanned helicopters. I don't think our defence forces have unmanned helicopters.
  • Send helicopters with Indian pilots to the LoC. Position the helicopters such that Pakistani air-force personnel can get into the chopper without crossing the LoC. Wave bye bye to the helicopters.
  • Refuse the request and risk being accused by Pakistan of being heartless when people were dying.

    The Indian government wasted no time in rightly conveying to Pakistan that it was an untenable request. Indian helicopters would come along with Indian pilots. Take it or leave it!

    Of course, terrorists who killed Ghulam Nabi Lone, Jammu & Kashmir's education minister, this morning in Srinagar were obviously not of the heartless variety.

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