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    Rabble Rousing Random Ramblings by S Jagadish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

    December 12, 2005

    Bangalore name change very much on the cards

    The process of getting Bangalore renamed to Bengaluru has been kicked off now. Apparently the Chief Minister has instructed all official correspondence to drop the Anglicised form and use Bengaluru instead.

    Another one goes down the drain. Hang on, not if it is a drain in Bangalore. They're all clogged. Doesn't that kind of hint at what the government should be more concerned about?

    So, if you do live in Bangalore, would you actually like to refer to the place as Bangalore or Bengaluru or Bengalooru? I'll pick the first option - Bangalore. Your turn!

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