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    Rabble Rousing Random Ramblings by S Jagadish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

    August 22, 2005

    More proof that the Olympics are a waste

    Last year, I pointed out how reports indicated that the 2004 Olympic Games had drained the Greek economy.

    It is apparently now obvious that the huge sports complexes and stadia built for the purpose of hosting these games are now lying totally useless and uncared for because the Greeks do not know what on earth to do with all these structures. I'm fairly sure Delhi's Asiad Village built for the 1982 Asian Games is/was also in a similar situation!

    Please, let us ensure that we develop our infrastructure regardless of whether we will host the Commonwealth/Olympic Games or not. I am now convinced that there must not be any connection between the two! Of course, it really does not matter too much to me on whether we actually win medals or not.

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